The Favorite Country Among Taiwanese


Do you know what is the favorite country among Taiwanese?

Yes, Ping pong! You are correct! Japan beat China in 2015 and since then it became the favorite country among Taiwanese.

From the statistical data of the Taiwan Tourism Bureau, more than 14 million Taiwanese traveled abroad in 2016. Among this 14 million people, 4.3 million traveled to Japan in 2016, 3 out of 10 Taiwanese travelers’ destinations was Japan. About 18% of the overall Taiwanese population. Last year 2017 the number even increased to 19.6%. This means 1 of 5 Taiwanese traveled to Japan last year.

Let’s check it in this room now – please raise your hands up if you traveled to Japan last year. There is 21 people in this room....

Why Taiwanese love to travel to Japan? I can list a hundred of reasons! Now I am giving 3 main reasons:

1. Food – from the TV shows, for examples 今夜の注文はどっち-料理東西軍 and The Battle of Big Eaters火力全開大胃王, Japanese cuisine became very popular in Taiwan. Particularly, people might enjoy obtaining enormous LIKES by posting photos on the Facebook or Instagram.

2. Transportation are convenient, traveling to Japan and within Japan. From Taiwan to Japan, the flight time is short- about 2-3 hours, and there are various of budget flight to choose from. More and more people even take cruise to Japan. Within Japan, traveling is easy with the JR Pass or driving rental cars. Most of Taiwanese are hard to have more than 2 weeks of long vacations. The flight time is the one of the key factors to choose where to travel to. You won’t want to go to US or Europe and waste 2 days on the flight.

3. Japan could fulfill everyone’s demand. Kids like to go to Disneyland, Universal Studio, Legoland, Zoo, Aquariums. Women like to go shopping at the drug stores and Outlet for the latest skincare products, make-ups, electrical appliances – hair dryers, vacuum cleaner. Besides Japan has natural scenery – cherry blossom, history – castles, culture - hot spring.

Japan Government also see this trend and traveling needs contributing to its economy. The travel information is easier to search online in Chinese. From the latest White Paper of April 2018 from the Japan National Tourism Organization, the top 4 international travelers are from South Korea, China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. The Chinese readers from China, Taiwan and Hong Kong is around 51% among the international visitors to Japan. This is why Japan government, hotels and shops increase Chinese translation and Chinese-speaking staff, to eliminate the language barrier and make it even more user-friendly.


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