
花子第一次聽到這首歌的時候,是晚上偷偷在校門口和爸爸見面,聽到Miss Scott很悲傷地唱這首歌,夜幕低下之時,老師思念遠在加拿大的情人。因為聽太多遍了,不會講英語的花子也學了起來,後來在富山老師質疑花子作弊寫的英文書信,抽考花子到底會不會英語的時候,花子靈機一動就唱了這首歌。這時Miss Scott感到難堪,花子不但偷抄了她寫的情書內容,還偷學了她每晚必唱的情歌。

這首歌很美,第一次聽很耳熟,後來上網查詢才知道歌名叫 The Water is Wide,是一首老歌,西元1600年就有的歌喔!根據Wikipedia這首歌的歌詞有很多版本,插入現代英文用詞。很多網站都說這首歌是蘇格蘭民謠,或是愛爾蘭民謠,但Wikipedia沒有這樣說,我就不確定實際的狀況是如何。

來聽一下紐西蘭之光 Hayley Westenra 所唱的版本

The water's wide, I cannot get over
And neither have I wings to fly
Give me a boat that'll carry two
And both shall row, my love and I

Where love is planted oh there it grows
It grows and blossoms like a rose
It has a sweet and pleasant smell
No flower on earth can it excel

The ship there is and she sails the sea
She's loaded deep as deep can be
But not so deep as the love I'm in
I know not if I sink or swim

Oh, love is gentle, love is kind
The sweetest flower when first it's new
But love grows old and waxes cold
And fades away like morning dew


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