卡通 Super Why 超級讀者隊 主題曲

某天我上Youtube找了湯瑪士小火車的卡通影片給兒子看,明明沒有中文發音,兒子卻依舊看得津津有味,完全不會吵鬧。之後我發現他很喜歡電視上播放的超級讀者隊卡通,也上網找了原版的Super Why影片給他看,每集將近半小時,看完剛好可以休息十分鐘,讓媽媽可以找到半小時做事情的時間。




Who's got the power, the power to read?

Who answers the call, for friends in need?

Super Why! Super Why, he's the guy he's Super Why!

Who's got the power, the power to read?

Who looks into books for the answers we need?

Super Why! Super Why and the Super Readers we're gonna fly

Come along, with the Super Readers. Adventure waits when you're with, Super Why!

Super Why and the Super Readers, yeah

Super Why and the Super Readers...

Adventure waits when you're with, Super Why!

Yeah! Super Why!


Hip hip hooray (hooray), the super readers saved the day!

We changed the story, we solved the problem.

We worked together, so hip hip hooray!

Hip hip hooray (hooray), the super readers saved the day!

Hip hip hooray (hooray), the super readers saved the day!


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