在網路上尋找Bumbo Seat的同時,竟然發現幾則我去年沒看到的新聞,有美國、香港發出的新聞稿: Bumbo Baby Seats Recalled from CBS News Oct 25, 2007 A popular baby seat is also potentially dangerous and being recalled. The Early Show consumer correspondent Susan Koeppen reports the Consumer Product Safety Commission has announced the voluntary recall of about a million Bumbo "Baby Sitter" Seats, made by Bumbo International of South Africa. The CPSC says, "If the seat is placed on a table, countertop, chair, or other elevated surface, young children can arch their backs, flip out of the Bumbo seat, and fall onto the floor, posing a risk of serious head injuries." Bumbo 嬰兒座椅港美停售 壹蘋果 27-10-2007 美國全面回收100萬件Bumbo嬰兒座椅,指與多宗嬰兒跌傷意外有關,其中3人頭骨爆裂。當地消費產品安全委員會呼籲家長勿把此類座椅放在桌上等升高的平面,否則座椅隨時翻側,釀成家居意外。美國及本港玩具反斗城已停售有關座椅。 實在是太可怕了!怎麼台灣的新聞媒體都沒報導呀? 小星兩、三個月之前開始,她坐在Bumbo椅很愛扭來扭去的,都不喜歡乖乖地坐,老公覺得這很不安全,要是她頭撞到旁邊尖銳的東西怎麼辦,要是她坐不穩掉下來怎麼辦。所以Bumbo椅這陣子一直被我們遺忘掉...... 看了這新聞,我想我去澳洲出差的時候,還是找其他好用的餐椅好了,就忘了Bumbo椅餐桌這回事吧!