今天是Boxing Day,所以我的MSN個人訊息是「Happy Boxing Day」。隔壁的同事以前在美國住過,他看到我的MSN個人訊息,突然感嘆說道:「啊!Boxing Day,可是跟我沒關係。」 但我對「Boxing Day」的解讀是「國定假日」,而他對這一天的解讀是「Boxing Day Big Sales」的流血大降價的血拼日。這就引起我對Boxing Day由來的好奇心。 以前在紐西蘭念日文的時候,老師曾經要我們比較紐西蘭和日本的假日,絕大多數的假日都可以查出由來,唯有紐西蘭在12月26日的Boxing Day由來,我怎麼樣都查不到,問了當時我的英語家教,他也不曉得,他猜可能是26日那一天大家把拆掉的聖誕禮物盒子拿出來丟掉吧? 現在網路這麼方便,我就上Wikipedia查了由來,才知道這一天真的是基督教的一個節日呢!只是不確定除了大英國協以外的國家,例如美國,這天是不是也會放假咧。 Boxing Day From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Boxing day) Boxing Day is a public holiday in the United Kingdom, Australia , Canada, New Zealand and countries in the Commonwealth of Nations with a mainly Christian population. It is based on the tradition of giving gifts to the less fortunate members of society. Contemporary Boxing Day in many countries is now a "shopping holiday" associated with after-Christmas sales. This day is historically England's name for St Stephen's Day - St. Stephen was one of the first Christian martyrs, being stoned to death ...